Our chicks have hatched!
SHHHH! Are chicks are here!
Students in Mrs. Petersen’s and Mrs. Manroe’s first grade classes are excited to announce that our chickens have hatched! They started with 12 eggs and so far six have hatched. It has been such a great learning experience to care for the eggs and watch them finally hatch! They have spent the last 21 days in an incubator and now that they are out will move to large tubs with heat lamps. Thursday afternoon students in Mrs. Manroe’s room watched their last egg hatch right in front of their eyes!
Moore students are curious and inquirers and this have given them lots of opportunities to write and reflect and learn how to be nurturers.
Stop by and meet Bob, Peep, Fluffy, Chippy, and Lucky. Isn’t Moore Elementary GREAT?!