Spring is in the air at Moore Elementary!

On Wednesday March 30th Moore students made great use of their “Power Hour” and got a jump start on the new Moore garden. Students paired up with their buddies and each planted three types of seeds: tomato, marigold, and green pepper. The garden will continue to take shape in the courtyard area. Friends and family members are invited to help build raised beds, lay down mulch paths and prepare the ground for planting on both April 21st and April 28th from 5:30-6:30. We are excited to have students taking part in the creation of this brand new learning space. Many thanks go out to our wonderful and dedicated parent volunteers for their time and talent in making last Wednesday’s planting a success. They prepared six hundred cups by cutting small slits in the bottom of each one for drainage and marking each with a dot to indicated the type of seed in each cup. Due to impending bad weather our planting event was moved inside and took place in the cafeteria. Many thanks to our patient and dedicated custodian, Mr. Cory for tidying up after us!


Fifth grade and kindergarten worked side side to plant seeds on March 30th.

Putting seeds in the dirt

Planting took place in the cafeteria due to impending rain.

Sam planting seeds

Everybody likes to get their hands dirty once in awhile!

Scooping dirt

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