What if…?!
Moore was honored to host a visiting author today. Michelle Nelson -Schmidt was at Moore to read “Jonathan James and the Whatif Monster” and to share her story on following your dreams and the power of hard work and perseverance! She talked to students about how she has always liked art and was drawing and painting even when she was in high school.

“My mom always wanted a Great Dane so when I was in high school I painted this for her.”-Michelle Nelson-Schmidt
She talked to students about going to college and the great opportunity to study what you love to do. She was inspiring and had the full attention of everyone present.
The highlight of her visit was hearing her read “Jonathan James and the Whatif Monster.” Students learned that sometimes our minds get the best of us and we have the great opportunity to look at things from another perspective. What if people don’t like my clothes? But what if they DO?!
Earlier this week Moore students had the opportunity to come up with their own “WHATIFS”. Their thoughts and artwork are proudly displayed in the hallway near the cafeteria. Next time you are at school stop by and take a look!
If you would like to purchase any of Ms. Nelson-Schmidt’s books you will find an order form in backpacks today, Friday November 18th. Please return them to school by Monday the 21st.