New School Hours
Our new 2018-2018 school year will begin with new school hours! Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday = 7:30 am to 2:25 pm. Doors will open at 7:20 am for breakfast. NO Boys and Girls Club in am. Wednesday …
Our new 2018-2018 school year will begin with new school hours! Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday = 7:30 am to 2:25 pm. Doors will open at 7:20 am for breakfast. NO Boys and Girls Club in am. Wednesday …
The school bell times at Moore will change with the beginning of the 2018-19 school year. Our new start time is 7:30 AM and we will dismiss at 2:25 PM, with a 75 minute early dismissal on Wednesdays. Please click on the headline to learn more about how we are engaging our staff to ensure an orderly transition when school resumes August 23.
Congratulations to our 5th grade class! We celebrated our 5th grade promotion with a celebration and then a walk to Riley Park for a picnic. We wish all of our 5th graders good luck and success at their …
Moore Elementary had their Field Day on Friday, May 25th. It was a warm day but everyone had a great time. We were so excited to see so many families come to watch and even participate! There were …
Moore Elementary celebrated teacher appreciation the week of May 7th. Our Parents and Friends of Moore created vases for all of the staff at Moore. Students brought in flowers to fill the vases and they were then distributed …
Congratulations to Moore’s Battle of the Books team on a great showing at this year’s Battle of the Books competition. We are so proud of all of you on a job well done. You may not have taken …
Friday, March 2nd was kindergarten’s day to shine at Moore! Our littlest friends were so proud of their beautiful creations and were excited to welcome family and friends to their classrooms. They demonstrated how they express themselves creatively …
Moore first graders hosted their annual market on Wednesday, February 28th. They were learning about supply and demand and the difference between goods and services. They were excited to welcome their families and friends as well as Moore …
Congratulations to our students with perfect attendance for the month of February 2018. We are so proud of you! Good attendance makes a big impact on success in school and we are thrilled to see so many students …
Due to impending inclement weather, conferences and the book fair have been cancelled for this evening. They have been rescheduled for Wednesday, February 28th at your current time. If this does not work for you, please contact the …